Post Pounder Options
Post Pounder Options

Though driving pipe into the ground is a lot easier than renting augers to dig holes, it can still require a bit of muscle. We have a few options so you can choose the best and easiest option for you. For more information, see tips and tricks on using the post pounder, or warnings on using the post pounder.

WamBam Basic Betty Fence Post Pounder

Basic Betty Manual Pounder

Price: $50.00
Weight: 18lbs.
People Req'd: 1 or 2


  • Affordable price
  • Light


  • Requires more effort than other options

When to use this Pounder:
It largely depends on many variables such as ground conditions and the operator, but as a very general rule of thumb, this is a good option for a job requiring less than 10 posts with average soil conditions and a reasonable strong operator.

WamBam Fence Post Pounder Big Bertha

Big Bertha Manual Pounder

Price: $85.00
Weight: 27lbs.
People Req'd: 2


  • Pipes drive into the ground more quickly due to weight and the 2 person requirement


  • 2 man operation is recommended

When to use this Pounder:
This is a great option if you have two people and tough soil conditions, particularly for jobs requiring more than 10 posts.

WamBam Fence Gas Pounder

Gas Powered Pounder (Availble for rent from us)

Price: $250.00
Weight: 35lbs.


  • Requires significantly less effort than manual pounders


  • If you rent from us, you only have a 10 day window to use it
  • Due to high demand, they are not always available

When to use this Pounder:
This is the best option for jobs requiring more than 15 anchors, particularly in dry or hard soil conditions. This pounder is easy to operate, works quickly, and will do most of your work for you. We highly recommend it for a smoother install.

Generic Fence Post Pounder

Generic Manual Pounder (purchase from your local box store)

Price: Approximately $24.99 - $29.99
Weight: 14lbs.


  • Low Price
  • No shipping required


  • Lighter weight will require a great deal more effort to drive pipes into the ground
  • No noise and vibration reducing features

When to use this Pounder:

It largely depends on a lot of variables such as ground confitions and the operator, but as a very general loose rule of thumb, this is a good option for a job requiring less than 10 posts with avarage soil conditions and a reasonably strong operator.

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