Gas Powered Post Driver Rentals
WamBam Super Heroes

Driving pipe into the ground is the most labor-intensive part of a WamBam fence install. Having said that, it's still much easier than digging deep holes. But even though it's easier, it doesn't mean it's easy.

Gas Powered Post Driver

Wouldn't it be great if you could have a Superhero by your side installing your pipes for you?

The next best thing is available on the market. Gasoline-powered post drivers are powered by a 4-stroke Honda engine, weigh about 35lbs and can drive a pipe into the ground in about 60 seconds (although we recommend you stop frequently to keep your pipe as level as possible). Over the past few years, customer feedback has been outstanding.

**Please Check Local Rental Shops for Availability!**

If available, these units will usually range from $60.00 to $75.00 for a daily rental.

If not, we rent these to our customers who purchase larger orders ($2500 or more) for the low fee of $250.00 for a 10 day rental. This includes a return label. At the end of your 10 day window, you'll empy the pounder of gas and return it to a local FedEx location. Due to high demand, we can only let you have it for 10 days, but that should be plenty of time to drive your pipes into the ground. There is a $20 per day penalty for each day the pounder is not returned to us after the 10 day limit.

These units go fast, so you may have to wait for one if you're interested. You will need to sign some paperwork and rental agreements. You may rent the device through our website with your order, but don't forget to sign the contract first

More Information and Resources

If you are planning to rent a gas pounder, please watch this video before operating the machine. You can find the manual here, or troubleshooting tips here. Visit this website for more details and explanations about the gas powered pounder (please note that we are not affiliated with the Redidriver brand).

Click here to sign the rental contract. Once we receive it we will be able to ship your pounder when payment is received. Click here to arrange for the return of a rented pounder.

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